Cinnamon 3.4.4が利用可能に
「Cinnamon 3.4.6」が利用可能になりました。「Cinnamon」は、「Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition」で採用されているデスクトップ環境です。
cinnamon (3.4.6) sonya; urgency=medium
* Remove strict dependency on libcjs-dbg
-- Clement Lefebvre <> Wed, 09 Aug 2017 12:46:49 +0200
cinnamon (3.4.5) sonya; urgency=medium
[ Michael Webster ]
* osdWindow.js: Always check the theme node on first showing - an actor's width isn't necessarily filled if it hasn't been explicitly set, causing the first few activations of the OSD to not show an accurate level bar.
* cs_default: Fix incorrect button label (but preserve translations).
[ itzexor ]
* main.js: remove obsolete Meta enum member reference
* workspace.js: use our normal prototype init method
* workspace.js: initalize WindowClone._zoomStep to 0
[ NikoKrause ]
* slideshow-applet: fix translation
[ Michael Webster ]
* Create the file "~/.icons/default/index.theme" and set the selected cursor theme inside of it. This ensures other (non-gtk) applications end up using the same theme (though they are required to be restarted for these changes to take effect.)
[ NikoKrause ]
* keyboard-applet: applet icon vanishes when moved in edit mode
[ Jason Hicks ]
* cinnamon-json-makepot: Add keyword option, change language used by xgettext to JavaScript
[ brownsr ]
* expoThumbnail: correct a couple of calls with mismatched argument counts
[ itzexor ]
* window-list: set AppMenuButtons unreactive during panel edit mode
* panel-launchers: set PanelAppLaunchers unreactive during panel edit mode
* windows-quick-list: fix argument warning
[ Jason Hicks ]
* Fix reference to undefined actor._delegate warning
* ui/environment: Handle undefined actors in containerClass.prototype.add
* ui/cinnamonDBus: Handle null xlet objects in CinnamonDBus.highlightXlet
[ brownsr ]
* deskletManager: initialise some variables and remove the variables that were initialised, probable typo
[ Michael Webster ]
* debian/control: Add libcjs-dbg to cinnamon-dbg depends.
* Remove strict dependency on libcjs-dbg
-- Clement Lefebvre <> Wed, 09 Aug 2017 12:46:49 +0200
cinnamon (3.4.5) sonya; urgency=medium
[ Michael Webster ]
* osdWindow.js: Always check the theme node on first showing - an actor's width isn't necessarily filled if it hasn't been explicitly set, causing the first few activations of the OSD to not show an accurate level bar.
* cs_default: Fix incorrect button label (but preserve translations).
[ itzexor ]
* main.js: remove obsolete Meta enum member reference
* workspace.js: use our normal prototype init method
* workspace.js: initalize WindowClone._zoomStep to 0
[ NikoKrause ]
* slideshow-applet: fix translation
[ Michael Webster ]
* Create the file "~/.icons/default/index.theme" and set the selected cursor theme inside of it. This ensures other (non-gtk) applications end up using the same theme (though they are required to be restarted for these changes to take effect.)
[ NikoKrause ]
* keyboard-applet: applet icon vanishes when moved in edit mode
[ Jason Hicks ]
* cinnamon-json-makepot: Add keyword option, change language used by xgettext to JavaScript
[ brownsr ]
* expoThumbnail: correct a couple of calls with mismatched argument counts
[ itzexor ]
* window-list: set AppMenuButtons unreactive during panel edit mode
* panel-launchers: set PanelAppLaunchers unreactive during panel edit mode
* windows-quick-list: fix argument warning
[ Jason Hicks ]
* Fix reference to undefined actor._delegate warning
* ui/environment: Handle undefined actors in containerClass.prototype.add
* ui/cinnamonDBus: Handle null xlet objects in CinnamonDBus.highlightXlet
[ brownsr ]
* deskletManager: initialise some variables and remove the variables that were initialised, probable typo
[ Michael Webster ]
* debian/control: Add libcjs-dbg to cinnamon-dbg depends.